Veggies vs Undead (C64)

Veggies vs Undead (Dr MortalWombat) Free

Game title: Veggies vs Undead

Game description: This is a conversion of Plants vs Zombies, a tower defense game which sees you fend off hordes of zombies by putting down vegetable plants in an attempt to defend your home. The Zombies shuffle their way across in parallel lines and it is up to you to decide which plants you want to use and where. Vegetable plants are not given to you for free and you need to earn the ability to buy them. To do this you will need to collect sun currency through sunflowers.

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  • Production - 86%
  • Fun - 90%
  • Depth - 90%


I have never played Plants vs Zombies before but I love tower defence games and this one ticks many boxes for me. As with any good tower defense game, every level within Veggies vs Undead seems to introduce something new to the game play. Whether it be new vegetables to use as part of your defense or giving you the choice of what plants you want to allocate to your limited arsenal space – you are always experiencing some form of progression with every game level. I love the little animations on the plants/veggies and enjoyed the SID music track.

The only criticism I would have would apply to the original game – that is that there is no damage counter and that each levels attack waves are confined to the same 5 parallel lines. This aside, Veggies vs Undead is a smashing conversion and a throughly enjoyable strategic experience that I will be going back to time and time again.


User Review
2.67 (3 votes)


  • Brilliant progressive game play
  • Graphic animations
  • Lots of replay value


  • No damage counter

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