Tenebra (C64)

Tenebra (Haplo) Name Your Own Price

Game title: Tenebra

Game description: Tenebra is an atmospheric puzzle game with rogue-like elements. Guide the hapless protagonist to the exit but to do so he must always be within the field of light. Some torches are fixed while others can be picked up or moved on rails. The game contains 25 levels and works on both PAL and NTSC machines.

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  • Production - 65%
  • Fun - 90%
  • Depth - 70%


Tenebra is a very good puzzle style game with a simple and effective graphical style. While not overly difficult, the core puzzle design of positioning sources of light in a way to reach exits is quite clever. I like how additional puzzle elements are gradually introduced every two or three levels – keeping the game fresh at all times.

Adding hazards to the game would add more depth to the puzzles, and including a backing atmospheric music track would add so much to over the overall experience.

Tenebra only features 25 levels and I wish there were a lot more – which goes someway to saying that Tenebra was a thoroughly absorbing game and well worth a play.

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  • Clever puzzle elements
  • Simplistic but effective graphics
  • Easy to pick up and play


  • Only 25 levels
  • Needs hazard elements
  • No music

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