Cecconoid (Amiga)

Ceccenoid (Hoffman / Thalamus Digital) £14.99 - £44.99

Game title: Ceccenoid

Game description: Ceccenoid is a flick-screen, twin-stick shooter. Board the starship Equinox and make your way through more than 50 screens of mayhem and destruction, dispatching the Stormlord’s diverse range of robotic minions along the way. Within the corridors of the Equinox are many power-ups to aid your fight, but leave no corner unchecked: the ship contains many secrets to discover from a far and distant electronic past. When your ship is destroyed (losing a life), any Power-Ups previously collected will scatter and eventually disappear - collect them as soon as possible to restore your arsenal. Destroying certain enemies or background objects will release a collectible star (that increases your score multiplier) or 100 bonus points. The game also contains 30 different achievements for you to collect.

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  • Production - 89%
  • Fun - 77%
  • Depth - 76%


Providing a game play mix of Cybernoid and Robotron, Cecconoid is one tough but addictive shooter. Making your way through the game’s 50 plus screen will be far from easy. The difficulty curve is set at a high level as it contains a large myriad of enemies and hazards to deal with that at times can feel all quite overwhelming. But with persistence you are rewarded with an engaging experience.

The game’s look and feel will be somewhat devisive with some lamenting the ZX Spectrum look of the game but personally I appreciate the three colour tone approach with its stylish and subtle use of red to help accentuate focal points of the game world. Adding to the overall visual presence is a very good implementation of a particle engine which is primarily used to depict destruction debris and the jetstream given off by your craft. This effect really does go a long way to depict a living and interactive game environment.

Rounding off the production side of things is the inclusion of screen shake whenever things go BOOM! and in-game music that provides a very pleasing space psychedelic soundtrack that creates a well balanced ambience for the action taking place on screen.

If I was to fault anything with the game it would be that I couldn’t help by feel that the screens felt a little disconnected in that the Equinox corridor layouts didn’t feel like they flowed together cohesively, making the game feel a little more like a flip screen shooter with 50 levels rather than one continuous game experience.

Game controls may also be a contentious issue as Cecconoid is designed as a twin stick shooter. Playing with two joysticks did not feel practical and playing with a combination that included a mouse did not feel natural. Playing with a CD32 controller or a PC game controller where the buttons can be mapped to shooting directions proved to provide the best experience, and one that worked very well.

Cecconoid does throw a lot into its package with the inclusion of plenty of power ups, 30 achievements to locate and collect and a 60 level Robotron style bonus game (Eugatron), which goes a long way to highlighting the quality of the overall production on offer. If you are a fan of old schools shooters then Cecconoid is going to be right up your alley.

User Review
1 (1 vote)


  • Fantastic sounding game
  • Particle graphic engine is impressive
  • Plenty of power ups
  • 30 achievements on offer
  • Cool bonus game – Eugatron


  • Difficulty curve is on the high side
  • Requires two joysticks for optimal control mechanism
  • Game design feels a little disconnected

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